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Very! Very! Daisuki Manhwa cover

Very! Very! Daisuki

  • Very! Very! 다이스키, Very! Very! Sweet, Very! Very! Daisuki
  • Authors: Ji-Sang Shin, Geo
  • Genres: Shoujo, Drama, Comedy
Read Very! Very! Daisuki full chapter on ManhwaTop. The Japanese boy, Tsuyoshi, is a restless troublemaker whose severely strict grandfather has finally been given the reins to crack down on him. His grandfather sends him on a quest to find the roots of their ancestry. The family names' roots brings him to Korea where his taxi driver, a chatty energetic girl named Very (Be-Ri), passes out on him. Despite an ugly first encounter, the two later grow close and learn to respect each other's differences... . Wish you have a pleasant reading experience at ManhwaTop
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